Your guide to change a habit with four steps:
1) Cue 2) Reward 3) Routine 4) Plan
What is driving your routine? You must isolate each potential reward to see if it is satisfying your craving.
Step 1) Identify the Routine
- The routine is the most obvious aspect: it’s the behavior you want to change.
- In other words, what is the loop you keep getting stuck in? (e.g. going for a smoke break at 2pm)
Step 2) Isolate the cue
- What’s the cue for this routine? Is it hunger? Boredom? Low blood sugar? That you need a break before plunging into another task?
- Almost ALL habitual cues fit into one of five categories (Write down the answers to these five questions when the urge hits):
- Location
- Time
- Emotional State
- Other People
- Immediate preceding action
Step 3) Experiment with Rewards
- Cravings drive your routine
- Rewards are powerful because they satisfy cravings
- Imagine you're a scientist trying to learn rather than trying to change anything
- Isolate just one variable (potential reward) and change only that (e.g. is it nicotine or socializing that is the reward?)
- Write down three words that pop into your head (Why? 1st it forces a momentary awareness of what you are thinking or feeling, 2nd your recall will be improved when looking back)
- Set an alarm for 15min - this is to see if you still have the craving (ie. it wasn’t satisfied)
Step 4) Have a plan
- A habit is a choice that we deliberately make at some point, and then stop thinking about, but continue doing, often every day.
- Put another way, a habit is a formula our brain automatically follows: When I see CUE, I will do ROUTINE in order to get a REWARD. To reengineer that formula, we need to begin making choices again.
- Start making choices by creating a plan
- Post the plan where you will see it and try it for a week
- Example Plan:
- When (cue from step 1) I will (routine) because it provides me with (reward from step 2)
- For a time related task, set an alarm and execute the plan (eventually you won’t need the alarm)
- What is the behaviour or routine you are trying to change? (e.g. walking to the cafeteria to buy a donut)
- In depth - what are the steps involved in the behaviour/routine
- fill out this CHECKLIST #2 -
- How strong was the craving or desire to behave a certain way? 1 to 5
- Where was I?
- What day of the week is it?
- What time is it?
- What's my emotional state?
- Who is around?
- What was I doing right before the craving or behaviour set in?
- fill out CHECKLIST #3 -
- Figure out the WHY behinde the behaviour. What is driving the craving? In other words what is the reward that is feuling the behaviour.
- I isolated one potental reward this week. (e.g. nicotine versus socializing)
- I wrote down three words that popped into my head when I had the craving
- I consumed the reward
- I set an alarm for 15minutes
- When my alarm went off, I was NO LONGER had the craving (if I still had the craving, I must experiment with a different reward)
- fill out this CHECKLIST #4 -
- I wrote down my plan:
- When (cue from step 2)
- I will (new routine)
- Because it provides me with (reward from step 3)
- When (cue from step 2)
- I posted it where I could see it
- If the cue was time based (e.g. at 2pm each day), I set an alarm to remind myself to execute my routine
- I performed the routine
- Every 5 executions of my routine, I checked to see if my cravings were met 15minutes after
- I used this checklist every 5 times to ensure I was building the new habit
PROCEDURE - managed by
Where to start?
- Are you New? Read the theory behind this guide on how to change a habit
- Then, use the CHECKLISTS everytime you execute the routine
Step 1) Identify the Routine
- The routine is the most obvious aspect: it’s the behavior you want to change.
- In other words, what is the loop you keep getting stuck in? (e.g. going for a smoke break at 2pm)
Step 2) Isolate the cue
- What’s the cue for this routine? Is it hunger? Boredom? Low blood sugar? That you need a break before plunging into another task?
- Almost ALL habitual cues fit into one of five categories (Write down the answers to these five questions when the urge hits):
- Location
- Time
- Emotional State
- Other People
- Immediate preceding action
Step 3) Experiment with Rewards
- Cravings drive your routine
- Rewards are powerful because they satisfy cravings
- Imagine you're a scientist trying to learn rather than trying to change anything
- Isolate just one variable (potential reward) and change only that (e.g. is it nicotine or socializing that is the reward?)
- Write down three words that pop into your head (Why? 1st it forces a momentary awareness of what you are thinking or feeling, 2nd your recall will be improved when looking back)
- Set an alarm for 15min - this is to see if you still have the craving (ie. it wasn’t satisfied)
Step 4) Have a plan
- A habit is a choice that we deliberately make at some point, and then stop thinking about, but continue doing, often every day.
- Put another way, a habit is a formula our brain automatically follows: When I see CUE, I will do ROUTINE in order to get a REWARD. To reengineer that formula, we need to begin making choices again.
- Start making choices by creating a plan
- Post the plan where you will see it and try it for a week
- Example Plan:
- When (cue from step 1) I will (routine) because it provides me with (reward from step 2)
- For a time related task, set an alarm and execute the plan (eventually you won’t need the alarm)