This page explains how to use a Skill Builder Checklist.


Skill builder checklists help you build good habits!

Use them a lot


PURPOSE... what is the purpose of the Skill Builder Checklists:
  • The main purpose is to Build Good Habits
  • Habits are simply the things we do automatically. In teaching, most things are habits because there is too much happening too quickly to focus on one or two things.
  • Having the right habits is the difference between a new teacher and a veteran
HOW DO THEY BUILD HABITS... how do the Skill Builder Checklists build habits:
  • First, they remind you of how to perform a skill, so you can start to build the habit. The details on the checklist are to help with that reminder by offering extra info to jog your memory or by clarifying an item - the details will probably only be read the first or second time through
  • Second, they remind you to actually perform the skill, so it becomes a habit.
  • *Note: habits take a long time to form. Thus, repetition, determination and practice is required. Often they require repetition for 30 days or more. "The Atomic Habit" is a great book if you're looking to better understand habits.


HOW TO LEARN A SKILL... how should you use the Skill Builder Checklists to learn a skill:
  • You must use the checklist several times - using it once will NOT build a habit
  • The first time through will take you longer because the headers will not mean that much to you, and you'll need to read the accompanying notes, or you'll need to reference the internal website page for further clarification
  • By the third or fourth time through, it will take around a minute to complete. Each header will trigger thoughts of all the details related to that point without you having to read them. This will give you as much benefit as you got from reading it through the first time, but will take you a fraction of the time.
  • As you commit more of the content to memory, they will start to become habits
HOW TRAINERS USE... how should trainers or managers use the Skill Builder Checklists with their staff or students?
  • If your student has never used a skill builder checklist, you should make sure to meet in person to explain how they work and go over the above three points with them (or get them to fill out the quiz attached to this page)
  • When assigning one to a student, best practice would be to go through it with them answering any questions and work-shoping any items they struggle with - this will help ensure they do not feel overwhelmed
  • Request that they fill it out at least 7 times over the course of 3-4 weeks
  • Follow-up with them via email or in person and go over some of their results with them
  • For fitness teachers you are training, attend their class again, and you can both fill out the checklist based on how they did in that class. Then, review it with them. This will help you make sure you don't miss anything either.

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